Big gay meme abraham lincoln

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He has gained fame and popularity similar to the aforementioned Kilroy's, and appears on countless products like T-shirts and keychains. Explanation A doodle of a humpbacked flute player with strange protrusions on his head (possibly feathers, antennae, or wild hair). In addition it the 'Kilroy' with 'Kilroy was here' (see page image), sometimes it would say 'Wot, no bacon?' (or any other heavily rationed food item, like sugar), thus well predating the Internet bacon obsession.If you need proof that this can be done out in the physical world, just remember that Andre The Giant has a posse, and Kilroy was here.Older Than Radio: Charles Mackay's 1841 book Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds includes a chapter on catchphrases that amount to Internet memes without the Internet or even computers.

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